Hysterically Funny Maybe These Warning Signs Would Make Sense in Wonderland, but Definitely Not in Our World Posted on May 11th, 2015 GO AHEAD! TELL YOUR FREINDS Subscribe to ReadThat First one is free... so are the rest. Daily. I am in! By submitting above you agree to the ReadThat privacy policy. Like ReadThat on Facebook Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest E-mail Give it to your mum flickr They don’t pick up after themselves, either flickr For those with a split mind flickr Fly down flickr It looks like a way to restrooms too flickr Where is the Detour? flickr They are pranking you flickr Montreal must be near the Detour flickr Continue to Page 4 PrevPage: 3 of 4Next View all Did you remember to share this with your friends? Share on Facebook Share on Twitter
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